Safeway’s Store Coupon Policy
Supplier (Vendor) and Store Coupons
Sample Intro Content
- Expiry date on coupon must not have passed
- Must have a Canadian redemption address
- Can only be redeemed against the purchase of the item specified on the coupon
- Respect the coupon face value even if higher than the price in effect
- Re-imburse the difference in cash if the value of the coupon is higher than the price in effect
- May not be combined with any other offer. Exception: Sobeys Direct Mail/Scene+ Coupons
- For BOGO, coupons will only be accepted for the item purchased, not the free item
- Limited to one (1) coupon per item purchased unless otherwise stated on the coupo
- Supplier (Vendor) coupons must not be printed on plain paper or photocopied
- Coupons cannot state “Mail In Offer” or “Mail In For Rebate”. These coupons must be mailed in by the customer to the address provided
Internet Coupons
Sample Intro Content
- Expiry date on coupon must not have passed
- Must have a Canadian redemption address
- Can only be redeemed against the purchase of the item specified on the coupon
- Respect the coupon face value even if higher than the price in effect
- Re-imburse the difference in cash if the value of the coupon is higher than the price in effect
- May not be combined with any other offer. Exception: Sobeys Direct Mail/Scene+ Coupons
- For BOGO, coupons will only be accepted for the item purchased, not the free item
- Limited to one (1) coupon per item purchased unless otherwise stated on the coupon
- Must include a picture of the product on the coupon. (Exception: Sobeys Direct Mail/Scene+ Coupons)
- Coupon will not be accepted if it is non-legible
- Must not exceed a value of $25.00
- Must have at least one (1) UPC. (Exception: Sobeys Direct Mail/Scene+ Coupons)
- Coupons cannot state “Mail In Offer” or “Mail In For Rebate”. These coupons must be mailed in by the customer to the address provided
Sobeys/Safeway Fuel Coupons
Sample Intro Content
- Fuel coupons issued in Atlantic Canada are redeemable at any Sobeys, Foodland or participating Co-Op locations
- Safeway Fuel coupons issued by a Safeway Fuel locations are redeemable at any Safeway location
- Fuel coupons have NO cash value and cannot be a used as an exchange for cash or Corporate Gift Card
- No change will be given back if the item is less than the value of the fuel coupon
- Cannot be redeemed for prescriptions, tobacco or lottery purchases
- Coupons must not be printed on plain paper or photocopied
Sobeys Direct Mail/Scene+ Coupons
Sample Intro Content
- Expiry date on the coupon must not have passed
- Can only be used against the purchase of the specified item on the coupon unless otherwise stated
- Customers must use their Scene+ Collector Card to collect the rewards
- If a customer is unable to print the coupon, the store can accept it shown on their smart phone
- If a customer is unable to print the coupon, the store can accept it written on a piece of paper as long as it has the description of the offer and the UPC
Taxes on Coupons
Sample Intro Content
- Bottle deposits must still be paid by the customer (Unless otherwise stated on the coupon)
- Free items must be handled according to the Provincial Taxation Laws and/or as indicated by the Supplier